Lantech case erector Lantech C-300

The Lantech C-300 Automatic Case Erector is designed for businesses that need to process up to ten (10) cases per minute.
The easy-to-feed Magazine is ergonomically positioned for loading up to 150 carton blanks, while the spring-loaded side belts firmly hold carton in place during handling.

The C-300 features a positive, two-panel case control that allows both the minor and major flaps to be folded while stationery, thus erecting cartons with precise 90-degree Angles.
Cartons with perfectly-squared profiles are easier to pack and properly align for stacking.

Manufacturer: Lantech GmbH Germany
Type: C-300
Throughput Speed: 10 Cases/Minute
Case Size Minimum: 200 mm L / 150 mm W / 150 mm C (Outside Dimensions )
Case Size Maximum: 500 mm L / 350 mm W / 600 mm C (Outside Dimensions)
Case Types: RSC, HSC, FEFCO 0200/0201
75mm (3 ") Tape Head
Applies 75 mm (3 ") wide tape. Replaces Standard 50 mm (2") tape head
Flute Types: B, C
Wall Types: Single Wall (test for multiple wall)
Bottom Seal: Tape Lantech TH-Series
Air Supply: 6 Bar (80 Psi)
Dedicated Electric Service Req. US: 230V, 3ph, 60Hz, Wye w/Ground
Dedicated Electric Service Req. EU: 3L-PE-400V-50Hz-Neutral
Magazine infeed Capacity: 200 Cases (approximate)
Weight: 525 kg
Dimensions: 2140 mm L / 2230 mm W / 1600 mm H

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